PodcastVHS Rewind!

Ghost Fever (1986)

VHS Rewind!
VHS Rewind!
Ghost Fever (1986)

This is a very very strange film.  Ghost Fever was originally released on March 27,1987 but since IMDB states the film is from 1986 that’s what I’ll rolling with! Ghost Fever is a low budget film mostly financed by Sherman Hemsley and nearly bankrupted him!  Although I am unsure who the target audience was, I think it’s worth watching just to see how crazy a mid 80’s film can be.

Geno Cuddy returns to the mic to help be dissect this strange classic!

“Two policeman are sent on a routine assignment to serve an eviction notice. It becomes anything but run-of-the-mill when they become involved in the ghostly happenings.”

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