MBA – Michael Landon & Don Knotts!

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Season 1 Episode 1
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In our PILOT episode of MBA we review :
The Donny & Marie Show With Michael Landon, Don Knotts and Billy Barty as guests!
This show first aired on 4/30/76 and this is a rundown of what is in this nearly 40 year old gem!
- Opening song “Keep The Customer Satisfied”
- Monsters skit (Monster Mash)
- D&M Medley “He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother”, “Honky Cat”, “You’re Nobody Till Somebody Loves You” & “Boogie Man”
- Marie sings “Weeping Willow”
- Osmond brothers sing “Utah”
- Donny gets thrown into a huge pie
- Happy Birthday USA finale – remember it WAS 1976!
A special thank you to Dave Evans for not only the support but for providing a remarkable collection of Osmond classics to the public!
Visit his YouTube channel NOW!