Our Annual Thanksgiving Day Parade Review!

It is that time of the year when we all gather with family and friends to give thanks…for the madness that is the 1982 NBC Thanksgiving Day Parade telecast. VHS Rewind is proud to serve our listeners with a Thanksgiving feast full of all the fixins (out of tune marching bands, butter-fingered baton twirlers, falling dancers, out of control balloons threatening innocent bystanders, really bad lip-synching from some big-name (well, in 1982) performers (some of whom are coked out of their minds), some amazing coats made of the most exotic animals worn by most everyone on-camera and THE MOST BIZARRE SEGMENT IN A THANKSGIVING DAY PARADE IN TV HISTORY – Uncle Miltie (and his enormous schlong, if Gilbert Gottfried is to be believed) in a dress, a very eager 12 year old Ricky Schroeder as Ms Uncle Miltie’s suitor, pedophilia…how this got past the network censors, we will never know). And then, the main course: the arrogant, pompous, humorless, full-of-himself turkey that is Bryant Gumbel. Listen as Mark and Christopher hilariously carve up Gobble Gobble Gumbel and his soul-sucking, fun-deadening parade commentary and barely disguised disdain for co-host (cute-as-a-button) Sarah Purcell and every costumed character he is forced to talk to during the telecast. Please join us for this very special holiday episode and stuff yourself silly with (we hope) laughter and good times.