VHS Rewind! – Episode 15 – The Bill Cosby Show (1969)

VHS Rewind!
Season 2 Episode 3
The Bill Cosby Show (1969)
Celebrating Xmas 1969…A shockingly young, post-I-SPY, pre – Huxtables, no laugh track Bill Cosby brings his inimatable style of xmas cheer (a mix of is-that-really-funny jokes and saccharine drama) to old man who already has a chip on his shoulder by getting him fired from his job as an Xmas tree seller…Cos is helping the kids at the local community organization to decorate the xmas tree (cue cos and kids-say-the-funniest?-things scene) but cos is a little too intent on keeping his date plans for the evening to stay & dress up as Santa for the kids so he enlists the old man with the chip on his shoulder to dress as Santa for the kids…someone soon learns the true meaning of xmas…and cos gets to keep his date plans…