PodcastWalnut GroveCast WGC – The Monster of Walnut Grove 04/10/2017 VHSRewind VHS Rewind! WGC - The Monster of Walnut Grove Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 10 seconds 00:00 / Subscribe Share iTunes RSS Feed Share Link Embed Episode 9 – The Monster of Walnut Grove http://vhsrewind.com/podcast_WGC/Walnut_GroveCast_s01e09.mp3 Download Subscribe In the first Halloween themed episode of Little House, Laura believes she witnesses a murder and is haunted by the experience. Nellie and Willie take advantage of this to pull their own Halloween trick…
Is it my imagination, or what? In the Albert song the first time the band says “walnut” it sounds like “walnuts”with an “s”?? Reply
Is it my imagination, or what? In the Albert song the first time the band says “walnut” it sounds like “walnuts”with an “s”??
The band, Project Brundlefly is from Norway so it’s possible it is his accent
Yea.. maybe. Don’t hear it through the rest of the song….. probably just me